<span>Adaptive Teaching—Classroom Strategies</span>
<span>Getting Stuck In!</span><br><span>Practical classroom Ideas for Early Career Teachers</span>
<span>Winning at Differentiation</span><br><span>Practical, realistic differentiation for all</span>
How can you cater for your students’ varying needs and levels of knowledge without becoming overwhelmed by the preparation? This training will help you master the practical differentiation skills you need to teach to the top while maximising the progress of SEND and EAL pupils. During this training, you will be introduced to time-saving resources and ways of developing a culture of independence and understanding in your classroom.
Part of our T for Terrific Teaching CPD package
<span>On Best Behaviour</span><br><span>Manage a cohesive classroom</span>
Being effective in the classroom takes more than subject matter expertise. Handling low levels of discipline, dealing with adolescent boys and girls, addressing students with varying degrees of learning needs — striking the right behavioural balance in any classroom, especially during students’ more formative secondary school years, is a skill in its own right. But without good classroom management, it is impossible to foster a positive work ethic.
This session offers essential training on all things behavioural in and out of the classroom. Sharing techniques that work with any teaching style and skills that help you cope effectively with the diverse needs of your students. You’ll also learn about positive modelling and reinforcement and how to approach colleagues and parents to discuss pivotal issues.
Part of our T for Terrific Teaching CPD package
<span>Assessment in Practice</span><br><span>Making full use of formative assessment</span>
Over the last decade we have seen a complete shift in the way schools are assessing student understanding in the classroom. Dialogue marking and a more personalised approach to assessing students’ learning is at the forefront of educational debate today. Finding a model that works for your students — and one that outlines a clear progression path to deepen their understanding of how to make progress — is at the heart of every school agenda.
This course is all about developing better assessment practices in your school and developing an assessment for learning policy that is built around embedding formative assessment. We support your move towards assessment without levels, working alongside subject leaders and staff to build an assessment model fit for purpose in all subjects and at all key stages.
Backed by leading research we support schools and teachers in developing better use of formative assessment in any subject area and offer one-on-one support for redesigning assessment practices that fit in with the new curriculums and models of learning.
Part of our T for Terrific Teaching CPD package
<span>Teaching for Mastery through Practical Differentiation</span><br><span>Making student learning stick for all</span>
Great teachers cater for the needs of everyone. Yet differentiation is one of education’s hardest elements to implement, achievable only by adopting specific teaching techniques that embed a deep learning curriculum in the classroom. This is the route to mastery learning, which the Educational Endowment Foundation finds leads on average to an additional five months’ progress over the course of a school year compared to traditional approaches.
This training will equip you with the practical skills required to meet the demands of the ablest learners as well as maximise the progress of SEND and EAL pupils. So, not only will you acquire much greater understanding of individual learning needs, but you will discover how to create a culture of independence and which resources to use to optimise your time without compromising learning.
By applying exciting, low-prep techniques that lead to mastery learning, you will be able to tactfully challenge each pupil at an appropriate level, without resorting to numerous different lesson resources or time-consuming micro-tutorials.
<span>Asking… Not Telling!</span><br><span>Mastering the skill of deeper questioning</span>
As teachers we naturally ask students questions to gauge their thoughts and understanding. But how often do we ask the right questions? The questions that will develop deeper learning and take students to the next level: probing questions, challenging questions?
The art of deeper questioning in the classroom is essential to creating outstanding learning environments. This training session focuses on improving teaching and learning in line with current pedagogical theory; it will introduce you to proven teaching styles that will enliven your lessons and encourage students to learn independently.
Providing support to implement this across all subject areas and at all key stages, we coach teachers to utilise this approach both in the classroom and when re-designing curriculum plans.
Part of our T for Terrific Teaching CPD package