by kiriakospet
Understanding Gender Identity
This session will provide information about understanding gender identity. The session will discuss, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression. The session will look at safeguarding and the equality act and help us understand terminology and find useful resources to help us going forward.
15/02/20230 comments
by kiriakospet
Creating professional feedback that ‘improves’ teacher performance, not just ‘proves it!’
To help teachers improve, we need to rethink lesson observations so they are more than tick-box exercises for external stakeholders. This course explains and explores both the practical and theoretical aspects of lesson observations and how they can become part of continuing professional development.
18/09/20220 comments
by kiriakospet
Most Effective Feedback: Harnessing the proven power of feedback to close gaps in learning
This highly interactive and practical session will show busy teachers how to bring feedback to the forefront of classroom and online learning. Learn how to create ‘Triple E Feedback’: Feedback that is Easy, Effective, and Engaging. Find out how to use feedback to identify and close gaps in learning and to empower pupils as active participants in the feedback process. Learn to look after your own wellbeing by working smarter and not harder.
10/08/20220 comments
by kiriakospet
Eating Disorders in Children and Young People
Eating disorders are mental conditions characterised by abnormal eating habits that can harm a person’s physical and mental health. These conditions have become more prevalent among young people in recent years. We will consider how school staff can use their professional curiosity to spot the signs and indicators – both online and offline – of these issues. Delegates will leave feeling confident in how to support and safeguard children, knowing how, when and where to refer to for professional support.
02/06/20210 comments