Middle Leadership: Key Strategies for Starting Strong, Staying Strong, and building and sustaining a thriving culture
Middle Leadership: Key Strategies for Starting Strong, StayingStrong, and building and sustaining a thriving culture
This webinar will provide participants with some questions on which they can reflect and stimulate conversations with colleagues to consider ‘the why?’ of their setting and what can be done to enhance their journey towards excellence.
We will assume that a great school is more than exam grades and consider what this looks like and how this vision can be communicated and shared with students, parents and staff.
We will consider the importance of staff well-being, what this means, some other ways in which it might be achieved, and its importance in terms of recruitment, onboarding, and retention.
We will also reflect on a range of different leadership styles, where and when they might be appropriate and how participants can balance the needs of the setting with their own preferred style.
Finally, we will reflect on how we can energise, engage, inform and inspire our colleagues … all in 30 minutes (and 40 minutes for members)!
Learning Objectives
Reflected on their moral compass – is it congruent with your setting?
Considered the importance of vision & values – how do these drive culture?
Learned about some different styles of leadership – which is best for you and your situation?
Reviewed how these are shared with, and contributed to, by your learners
Understood how these issues contribute to staff wellbeing, recruitment and retention.
Middle leaders in educational settings everywhere
Aspiring middle and senior leaders – the engine that drives the ship.
About Presenter
John Rees
John is passionately committed to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people through the professional development of individuals and organisations.
Having taught for 12 years and later as a senior leader, John led the transformation of an evidence-informed RSE research project from Exeter University that eventually involved 200+ schools, with unique evidence of health benefits and educational improvement.
As an independent educational advisor since 2006, John currently works with local authorities, schools, multi-academy trusts, and commercial organisations across the UK and overseas to support school improvement.
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