Safeguarding Courses

 March 2023  Online    

View these courses here

Safer Recruitment for International Schools (Refresher Course)

This online training will provide information on how recruitment processes should comply with the principles of safer recruitment practice and to understand best practice guidelines for schools, academies and colleges The training will examine perpetrator behaviour and how the school can deter, identify and reject candidates who are unsuitable to work with children and prevent them from gaining employment. It examines the required pre-employment checks for school staff and practical tools to apply throughout the process.

Leading Safeguarding—Training for Newly Appointed DSL’s working in International Schools

Designated Safeguarding Leads contribute greatly to the safeguarding ethos of their school and should have a ‘complete safeguarding picture and be the most appropriate person to advise on the response to safeguarding concerns. From point of concern through to referral, assessment and beyond, Advanced Safeguarding and Child Protection Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads provides them with the knowledge and skills required to fulfil their role. Using international case studies and child safeguarding practice reviews, participants will learn about safeguarding best practices from around the world including managing confidentiality, information sharing, recording, whistleblowing, professional boundaries and managing professional disagreement.

Leading Safeguarding: Refresher Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads

Designated Safeguarding Leads should refresh their training at least annually. This refresher course aims to refresh and update safeguarding and child protection knowledge.

Date: March 2023