Forthcoming Events

We provide bite-sized professional development events each month for school leaders and teachers. Most of these events are free to those working in schools, but others are only available as part of our membership or payment before joining.

As a member, you will have access to all recordings on your member dashboard, plus follow-up reflection materials and CPD certificates.

What can be expected from these sessions?

  • You’ll get practical ideas and strategies to use right away.
  • Handy resources to add to your staff training programme and staff meetings.
  • A taste of what Veema provides and the range of personalised training and support we offer schools.
  • A chance to learn and connect with subject specialists, school leaders, and teachers all around the world.
  • A CPD-certified certificate is awarded when you attend a non-free event.
Call us today on +44 20 3637 4232 or Email
Explore our membership packages:
Practitioner: £257.40/year 
School-Packages: £1014.00/year (starting price) 
Sign up this term for 2024/25 and get immediate access! Also, take a look at our online CPD schedule for 2024/25, which includes information about all our member events and what’s available to you..

How to make the most out of pre-recorded Webinars

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Create an online portal so teachers can access the webinars and resources when convenient for them.

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Use footage from the webinars during your own in-house training days.

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Encourage colleagues to use the webinars during departmental meetings. Allow time to discuss the ideas covered and agree on which to try out with pupils.

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Set up a programme so teachers can observe each other trying out techniques and ideas from the webinars. Allow time for dialogue.


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  • +44 (0) 20 3637 4232

20 Emerson Building
Chadwell Lane
N8 7RF