<span class="helpiefaqaccordiontitle">Safeguarding School Package</span><br><span class="helpiefaqaccordionsubtitle">Keeping Children Safe In Education</span>
‘Keeping Children Safe’ is a comprehensive training package based upon the latest knowledge and up-to-date practices for keeping young people safe in school. Drawing on UK and international legislation and policies, it is delivered by accredited safeguarding trainers and contains practical examples and ready-to-use resources you will find of great value no matter where your school is located. Our Safeguarding courses provide a much deeper level of training than can be found on any e-learning platform. Training is bespoke and can be delivered as a blended CPD programme or as stand-alone session/s either online or face-to-face.
<span class="helpiefaqaccordiontitle">Leading Safeguarding</span><br><span class="helpiefaqaccordionsubtitle">Refresher Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads</span>
Designated Safeguarding Leads contribute greatly to the safeguarding ethos of their school and should have a ‘complete safeguarding picture and be the most appropriate person to advise on the response to safeguarding concerns’. From point of concern through to referral, assessment and beyond, Advanced Safeguarding and Child Protection Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads provides them with the knowledge and skills required to fulfil their role. Using case studies and child safeguarding practice reviews, participants learn about best practice including managing confidentiality, information sharing, recording, whistleblowing, professional boundaries and managing professional disagreement.
<span class="helpiefaqaccordiontitle">Whole-school Safeguarding and Child Protection</span><br><span class="helpiefaqaccordionsubtitle">Keeping Children Safe in Education</span>
<span class="helpiefaqaccordiontitle">Safer Recruitment</span><br><span class="helpiefaqaccordionsubtitle">Protecting your school from unsuitable staff</span>
Safe recruitment practices are essential for any establishment that provides services to children to incorporate into their recruitment and selection procedures measures that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children, or who are otherwise unsuited to work with them. This course can be delivered as a one-day course or two half day courses and will support you to review your own policies and practices with a view to making them safer.Delivered by an accredited trainer, Safer Recruitment is one strand of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and keeping them safe in educational settings.
Part of our Keeping Children Safe CPD package