With its focus on developing key headship skills, the NPQH is for those who are or aspire to be a headteacher or head of school with leadership responsibility. An NPQH increases understanding of what’s required to lead and develop a compelling vision for a school.
The NPQH will help those work with the wider governance team to not only develop a school’s strategic direction but also ensure teaching across the school stimulates pupil thinking and understanding through effective explanations and modelling.
The NPQH consists of individual coaching, online briefings and completion of online modules. Prospective participants are assessed for their suitability and readiness for a headship role before acceptance. There are approximately 112 hours of guided learning.
Choose from two delivery options:
• Blended learning route with three face to face days
• Online only route
For more information about how this qualification will help teachers move to what is primarily a strategic and operational role, email us at